Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Color Hues #89

A couple of rainy days has given me some time to get crafty.   Color Hues has been on my radar so I started there first.  Pink and sage.  Great colors for a floral card.  No surprise there. ;)

This photo makes my Kitsch Flamingo look almost neon.  It's on the petals of SSS Sunrise Stem and the scalloped border with Bundled Sage on the stem and center.  The scalloped panel is from Honey Bee, layered with a panel embossed with Tasteful Textures.   It's funny how the first stamps I bought years ago were sentiments and now I tend to leave them off.  

Thanks for dropping by.  I hope your week is going great.

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Loll said...

Such a pretty flower with these fabulous colours, Bobby. Love the textured background. xx

Marcia Hill said...

CAS and oh so pretty Bobby! Your simple flower in our challenge colors is gorgeous and I love it against the embossed background and the scalloped pink edges! Thanks so much for sharing this lovely, lovely card with us at Color Hues! Hugs. :0)

Bonnie said...

Such a pretty flower, Bobby! I leave sentiments off a lot too. It's easy enough to add one for the individual I'm sending the card to.

TK said...

When your card is pretty on its own, who needs sentiments? Besides, it lets the card stay flexible until you actually need it!

Karen said...

It's another classy, lovely CAS design, and perfect for our Color Hues Challenge! Thanks for joining us again!

Lisa Elton said...

This is lovely CAS card, Bobby! It works for lots of occasions. You can add a sentiment when you need it!

Nancy said...

Such a happy card Bobby! Send us some rain, we need it! Thanks for choosing to use your free time to join us at Color Hues!

Tracey McNeely said...

Bobby this is absolutely beautiful! So many elements, the flower, the texture of the background and the pink scallop--so elegant and CAS! Your comment about sentiments has got me thinking! Thank you for sharing with us at the Color Hues!

Sheri Gilson said...

So pretty! Love the CAS design and great take with the colors! Thank you so much for playing along with us over at Color Hues!!