Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Happy Birthday to me!

I bought myself a birthday present.

For a long time I told myself I didn't need one but seeing all my favorite people making such wonderful cards with all the products that go with it, I finally took the plunge.  Standby for what's to come.  

I'd welcome any tips or tricks.


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Darnell said...

I'll be watching with interest, Bobby! Have fun! Hugs, Darnell

TK said...

YAY!!!Congrats, you'll LOVE it! And definitely Happy Birthday!

Bonnie said...

Hooray! I hope you love it as much as I do! Happy Birthday!

I Card Everyone said...

Happy birthday, Bobby! You really know how to treat yourself - you're going to LOVE it!

Lisa Elton said...

Happy birthday to you, my friend! Can't wait to see what you make!

Judy Woodland said...

YAY!!!! Happy birthday, you won't be sorry. You're gonna love it.

Marcia Hill said...

You're gonna LOVE it!! And Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

Loll said...

Fantastic birthday present to yourself, Bobby! Looking forward to seeing what you make with your new BetterPress. I've been holding off too, but it's harder and harder every day. :) xx