Saturday, September 16, 2023

Color Throwdown #760

You all know that I love birds.  When I saw the challenge at Color Throwdown I knew there would be a bird on my card. 

The little bluebird and the birdhouse are both from WPlus9.  The roof looks black in the photo but it's really navy. The house was embossed with the corrugated folder from Spellbinders.  I went looking for a sentiment and found this one from Honey Bee.  Here at the lake the song we hear the most is the woodpecker's.  I wonder if anyone has a woodpecker die?  The background is from Concord & 9th.  

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for dropping by.

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Wanda Cullen said...

This is such a sweet card! I love birds as well and need to look through all the bird dies at Papertrey Ink. I was thinking they had a woodpecker as part of the collection. Thanks so much for playing along with us at CTD!

Judy Woodland said...

How stinkin' cute. I love your little bird, and that embossed background is fabulous. It brings the card together perfectly.

Ela said...

Very cute!

Bonnie said...

Love this sweet bird and his yellow house, Bobby! We have four kinds of woodpeckers around here and they do make a lot of noise. I haven't seen a stamp or die with them though.

Marcia Hill said...

Perfect use of the colors Bobby...I'd love to have a sweet birdhouse like this one at my house, and your little birdie and sweet sentiment fit beautifully! Loving that background too! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

Lisa Elton said...

And what a cute little bird it is! This is adorable, Bobby!

TK said...

Your bluebird is adorably fun and cute alongside his bright yellow home, which just happens to be the envy of the neighborhood!