
Saturday, March 16, 2024

Inkspirational #311

Hey there.  Thanks for dropping by.

They are looking for Clean and Simple at Inkspirational and of course I had to use the optional balloon.

This little hedgehog from Penny Black was perfect for the challenge.  He is colored with Altenew artist markers and is floating through a sky inked with a Rabbit Hole Design cloud stencil.  The hard part was finding an appropriate sentiment but this one from CASual Fridays fit beautifully.  

Have a wonderful weekend.

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  1. I hope that storm that came through your area recently doesn't knock this sweet little guy off course, Bobby!
    Just adorable!

  2. Bobby, this is such a sweet card and design! I love the sentiment that is so appropriate -- swoon!

  3. Oh my gosh ... that is just the sweetest card, Bobby! xx

  4. How absolutely ADORABLE!!! This is so stinkin' CUTE, I simply love it.

  5. This is just about as sweet as it gets, Bobby!

  6. Love, love, love this, Bobby! This little hedgehog is so cut floating with his balloon and I love these clouds! The perfect sentiment finishes this off!

  7. So cute and definetely CAS! Thanks for sharing with us at Inkspirational.
