
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Eclipse and Birthday Party

Hey there.  I'm so glad you dropped by.  

Centerville Ohio was right in the path of the eclipse and my son and his family came down from Michigan to see it close up and we made a party of it.  The weather was great so we ate lunch outside and played corn hole and wiffle ball in between peeking at the sun through our glasses.

What an incredible experience!  I couldn't believe how cold it got during the total eclipse.  And the 360 degree 'sunset' was beautiful. 

It also happened to be the day after my great grandson's 11th birthday so we celebrated him with gift giving.  This kid is a Lego nut so his gifts from us consisted of several sets.  This is the card I made for him.

I used a polka dot die from MFT to cut little circles that I glued to paper strips to make Legos and then put them into a shaker rectangle also from MFT.  The sentiment was computer generated.  This is the inside.

I made an envelope with at PTI die and stuck a $20 bill in it.  He was almost as excited with it as he was with the giraffe he'd been asking for and the big airplane that he put together right away.  That's why he's not in the photo above. ;)

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  1. Hey, I've made those paper legos, too! [and what was inside of the card most likely was appreciated more in my case, too] So darling placed inside that shaker element!
    We never expected to see a 360-degree sunset, Bobby! It was almost as wonderful as the eclipse, wasn't it?

  2. Super CUTE!! I must pin as my grandson is a Lego nut, even though he is in college now. You are so clever, LOVE that it's a shaker. Thanks for sharing your fabulous day as well. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I am smiling!

  3. This is an awesome Lego card and it sounds like it was a big hit with your great grandson, Bobby! How fun to have an Eclipse party and be right in the heart of things!

  4. What a fun card for your great-grandson! Looks like a fun eclipse party too! We watched at our son's! Had a great view, perfect weather and a scrumptious dinner afterwards!

  5. What a fun outing it must've been for all of you, seeing the eclipse and celebrating a young'n! LOVE the Lego card -- my grandson is just as enthralled with them as well, but then again he was kinda born with it -- his mom is a Lego fanatic, and has been since the age of 3!!!

    Adorable card -- again, I love it!

  6. I wondered if you would see it, Bobby! Thank you for sharing the photo of the family and your awesome card for your grandson! Years ago I made Lego cards for the twinks using catalog photos and never thought about making my own with circles and strips of paper. It's genius! And I love how you put them in the shaker rectangle and made that cute sediment for the casharino on the inside! Hugs, Darnell

  7. Brilliant way to make Lego bricks Bobby! Love the card too ... maybe not quite as much as your great grandson! Hugs, Kate!

  8. I've got a few lego nuts in my family too Bobby, and I never thought to do a card like this, but you can bet I'll be CASE-ing you...your card is FANTASTIC!! And how fun that you got to share the eclipse with your family...what a special day!! Hugs. :0)
