
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Just Us Girls #728 - ATG Stencil Week

Lisa is the host for Stencil Week at Just Us Girls.

There are so many ways to use stencils on your card, but you know me.  I went with stenciled flowers.

The Hello Beautiful set from Altenew was stamped, colored with stencils and partially die cut.  Paper from Honey Bee  was used to accent the bottom of the card front.  The sentiment is from Altenew's One-Go Birthday.

How will you use stencils on your card?  For inspiration please check out the Design Team and our guest Jenny Martin.  I hope to see you in the gallery.

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  1. It's a beauty, Bobby! I have SO many floral stencils - it might be fun to 'branch' out!

  2. Your stenciled flowers are so pretty, Bobby! I love how you've partially cut them and placed them over the patterned paper!

  3. Bobby... you can never go wrong with stenciled flowers!

  4. Beautiful card Bobby. Love the pretty stenciled flowers and how you partially die cut them and layered them over the pattern paper. Love to use flowers on my card, stamped, stenciled, colored, die cut, any way suits me.

  5. Beautiful stenciled flowers, Bobby! Love how happy they are in yellow! :) xx

  6. And what pretty stenciled flowers they are! This is a wonderful card, Bobby. These remind me of the yellow Knock-Out rose plants my hubby just bought me for Mother's Day!

  7. Such beautiful soft flowers! I love how you did the partial die cutting with them on the front of the card and great choice of patterned paper, too.

  8. This is a gorgeous card, Bobby. Your stenciling is wonderful. I love the partial die cut and the patterned paper you used is a perfect choice. Great card!

  9. Such a pretty card. I like the flowers hanging off the edge.

  10. Beautiful stenciled flowers, Bobby. Pairing them with the patterned background is a delightful special touch.
