Sunday, May 12, 2024

Simon Says CREATE 2024

Hey there!  Thanks for dropping by.

No cards today.  Just some happy news to report.  Friday my daughter and I went to Columbus for CREATE which is a huge event put on by Simon Says Stamp.  There were 35 Create it, Take it booths put on by a variety of our favorite companies as well as two classes each day.  Spots in the classes sold out quickly and I'm glad I got our day passes right away because they sold out too.  This had been on my bucket list so I went last year.  It was the first one since Covid and they were overwhelmed by the number of visitors.  This year they had twice the space so it wasn't as crowded.  If you ever get the chance, it is a fun experience.

While I was there I got to meet some of my favorite 'celebrity' creators.

Upper left is Heidi Crowl, Simon's mama.  What a fantastic job her crew did in organizing and managing all the vendors, the crowds and the sale of products.  Clockwise:  Tim Holtz and Jennifer McGuire.  Jennifer and Gina K taught one of the classes but I didn't see Gina.  I didn't have time to stop at the Pinkfresh Studio booth (I did last year) but there are Heather and Lea working with their beautiful washi tape. With all the lines at each booth I only had time to make the six cards featured.  The balloon card is the one we made with Kristina Werner. 

I didn't go with a wish list but a few of the products I used making the cards are now either in my possession or on my order list.  

Have a wonderful week!

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Darnell said...

Oooh, boy, I'm really jealous, Bobby, and I'm sure I'm not the only one! But I'm also very delighted for you to have had this experience two years in a row! The photos are fantastic and BTW, you look younger every time I see you!! Hugs, Darnell

Lisa Elton said...

So happy you got to go, Bobby! Looks like you had a great time too. Happy Mother's Day!

Hannelie said...

Lucky you! So happy for you Bobby ♥

Judy Woodland said...

I am so envious. So hard to live in the great white north, everything is so far away. Such great photos, I am smiling. Just simply FABULOUS!!!!

My Paper Epiphany said...

How very exciting! Maybe I should come to the US next year:)