Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Color Hues #95

Today's card is for the Color Hues challenge - pink and blue.

A Penny Black dealer was retiring and getting rid of his supply so I took advantage of the sale and bought a number of stamps and dies.  My love of birds prompted me to buy Nature Sings which has four different birds on it.  I stamped the bluebird on Bristol and colored it with Zigs.  I masked the bird and made my own stencil to color the background with Kitsch Flamingo Distress Ink.  The branch was free-handed. 

Thanks for dropping by.  


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I Card Everyone said...

Oh, Bobby! I love your little bluebird! I would have loved getting in on that sale!

Judy Woodland said...

This card could NOT be any more dear. I love this little guy so much, am going to search for him. You have really showcased him perfectly with that background. Absolutely WONDERFUL!!!

Lisa Elton said...

What a darling little bird and a fabulous CAS card!