Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Color Throwdown #747

I was lucky enough to win Color Throwdown #745 with this card.

And because I was the featured stamper, they asked me to be a guest designer for challenge #747.

I didn't see the winner's post until late so I had to quickly make a card in time for the deadline.  After several failed attempts I found success.

Altenew's Weekend Doodles to the rescue.  I stamped the flowers, colored them with Altenew artist markers and added a sentiment from the same set.  The panel was cut with MFT's Wonky Stitched Rectangles, which I thought fit the wonky flowers, and mounted on yellow cardstock.    

How would you use these colors?  The design team at Color Throwdown would love to see your card in the gallery.  

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I Card Everyone said...

Isn't this the best 'all around' set of all, Bobby? Just love those doodling blooms in the CTD colors today!

Judy Woodland said...

Fabulous design!! I love your color choices and that focal is such a cute stamp. How fun!!

Bonnie said...

Such sweet flowers and so pretty used with these awesome colors!

TK said...

Bright, cheery and filled with fun -- a perfect card, Bobby! Congrats on the win!

Broni said...

What a great card, Bobby! So glad you joined us as the Guest Designer this week!