Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Inspirational #316

Hey there!  I'm so glad you dropped by.

Inkspirational is having a spotlight challenge and since I haven't done that in a while I thought I'd give it a go.

Altenew's Bergenia was stamped on Bristol, cut with Spellbinders 4 Petal Nested Dies, and colored with Zigs.  Before adding the die cut back in, it was stacked four times.  With the color of Bristol it's difficult to add a white sentiment so I opted for a heat embossed white on black one from The Ton.

We've taken on a big project here at the cottage - laying vinyl plank flooring throughout.  A bedroom was done yesterday and I'm hoping we take the day off today to let our sore muscles rest. 

I hope your day goes well with whatever you will be doing.

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I Card Everyone said...

There's that Bergenia stamp I've been coveting for so long! I love it just as much as the first time you stamped it, Bobby! Beautifully colored - love the spotlight!

Judy Woodland said...

I'm such a fan of spotlight stamping, and you have done it perfectly here. I love the soft colors you have chosen, and I think that black background for the white greeting works great. Good luck with your project, I can feel the sore muscles from here!!!

Lisa Elton said...

Great job with the technique, Bobby this is lovely! Hope you get that rest ;)

Bonnie said...

Such a pretty flower to spotlight, Bobby! I love how you've colored it! Good luck with the rest of your flooring. Those muscles don't like to do the heavy work anymore!

TK said...

Pretty colors, and a great job of spotlighting this beauty!

Do take a break -- you deserve it!

Marina said...

The stacked die-cuts give a really different effect - lovely! Thanks for joining in at Inkspirational.

Carol said...

What a pretty spotlight card Bobby! The flowers and colors are great!!!