As You See It has a perfect challenge for me. For the birds! I have a great love of birds and feed my friends every day.
I'm not particularly happy when these birds descend upon my feeders though. They are large and have a big appetite. But I thought it would be easy to make Altenew's Bird of the Mountain into a red-winged blackbird. Then I had to figure out what to do with him. Enter Honey Bee's Fall Foliage. These birds like to hang out along the roadside where cattails are growing. I had to improvise with the leaves since none are in the set and the scene looked bare without them. A look through some of my flower dies brought me the stems from Altenew's Cosmos. It's all on a panel lightly inked with Speckled Egg Distress Ink.
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Bobby, I am so drawn to that challenge and its bird... I do love hearing those red-winged blackbirds when they return: surely a sign it's Spring!
I love your bird and where he's perched = perfection!
Bobby your card is so beautiful, I love the cattails! Like you I love my feeder and I shovel my way out to it in the morning most days in the winter. We mostly have smaller birds visit but when the grackles come with there voracious appetite they get a scoot scoot from me. lol
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