Friday, March 17, 2023

Color Throwdown #734

I have another masculine card for my stash using the colors from the Color Throwdown challenge.

The leaves are from PTI with the bottom layer cut from what I believe is a sprayed panel that was in my Bits box and the outline cut from GinaK ivory.  PTI Dark Chocolate was used for the background leaving room for an ivory border.  Some cards look better without a sentiment IMO.

Thanks for dropping by. 


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I Card Everyone said...

It's okay to add a little something later when the occasion arises, right? A great guy card and beautiful way to use those colors.
Of course, now I want a cookie.

Bonnie said...

This is so classy and perfect for a guy, Bobby! Without a sentiment or with an added sentiment later, this is going to be perfect for any occasion!

TK said...

Agreed! Masculine at its finest, without a sentiment and perfect too -- great card, Bobby