Thursday, October 10, 2024

Just Us Girls #748 - Word Week

Stephanie is our host for Word Week at Just Us Girls and she has chosen 

This should be a colorful gallery considering that the leaves are beginning to turn in the northern US.

I must confess that I made this card back in early May before coming to the lake and didn't write down the dies I used.  I went back through a lot of my blog posts and it seems that I may not have used this die before.  Asking Google to identify it didn't help so I'm thinking they're no longer available.  The outlines are cut from texture gold cardstock and layered over pieces covered with Mica Sprays.  The rust background is embossed with the Tasteful Textiles folder from SU.

The Design Team and our guest Kerry have some colorful cards for you to peruse.  Hopefully they will inspired you to make a card for the gallery.

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